Tuesday, February 03, 2004

So I do my grocery shopping and I put my groceries in the car and then I get in the car and prepare to start the car but I cannot start the car because it seems my key is snapped in half. But since I got the hatchback open, I know the rest of the key can't be far away. And indeed, I find it. I call a friend to come get me, then walk over to the automotive place, but they don't make keys. They direct me across the highway to the Fiesta Mart, but they don't make car keys, only house keys. They direct me to the 99 Cent store, where a woman is buying approximately one gross each of 43 different kinds of candy. Eventually she's done and I explain my predicament to the man and he does make a valiant effort to make a new key from the two halves of key, but the man is clearly not a professional locksmith, he's a guy who works in a 99 Cent store. So we pile the groceries into my friend's car and he brings me here and now I'm about to turn the house upside down looking for the spare key I vaguely remember having at some point years ago.

I was already in a shitty mood today, but now I'm just irritated with myself. I could easily have been carrying the spare key in my wallet all this time. But no.


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